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Covid 19

 With the "Covid 19" outbreak we understand how important it is to keep our customers and our employees as safe as possible and we take it very seriously. It is important for us to be able to provide a safe and clean environment for our customers and our employees to work and shop. We have implemented some changes to help minimize the exposure and the spread of this virus while allowing our customers and workers to live their lives.


 Our customers are very important to us. We want you to enjoy your shopping experience while feeling safe in our store. So we have implemented the following changes to help provide a safe and clean environment.

  * Shorter hours 10:00 am to 4:00 pm to help minimize exposure

  * Counters, credit card machines and, baskets are cleaned after each use

  * Door handles, isle ways, as well as all common areas are periodically sprayed         

     and cleaned with disinfectant

  * No more than 4 customers are allowed in the store at any given time

  * All customers and employees are required to wear face mask and gloves

  * Phone orders with curbside pickup

 It is important to remember that we are all going through this together and together we will make it through. Please help us by respecting each other and giving each other enough (6 feet of "social distancing") space to shop while enjoying your shopping and social experience. We thank you for patronage and patients in these difficult and trying times.


© 2019 Southwest Gardens 

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